Currently (until 13th November) there is a 99 cent e-book sale for "A Drop in the Ocean" and it is always fun to check out the sales ranks on Amazon while a sale is taking place, especially when the e-mail is sent out just once by a large book promotion organisation to hundreds of thousands of keen readers. Especially if one's book hits the Bestseller list (meaning in the top 10 of all paid Kindle books in a particular country; ie: in US in the top 10 paid Kindle books of 5 or 6 million+ books, but probably more like 3 million in Australia or Canada; no one knows the true figures which are increasing apparently by about a million + books per year). As a result of this single promotional e-mail, "A Drop in the Ocean" made it to Bestseller in both Canada (#6) and Australia (#4), in both cases for a whole two days! Also in its categories (Literary fiction, Women's fiction, Contemporary fiction) it got to #1 or #2, and got into the #2 slot for Kobo in Canada as well. A week later it is still high (much higher than previously) although not in the top 10. I was amused to see it had also become #1 of all Australian Kindle books in 'Movers and Shakers' —meaning its trajectory up the sales ranks was faster and greater than any other Kindle book over the past 24 hours. It stayed there for two days. It went from sales rank #118,158 to #4 which was a 'move' or 'shake' of 2,953,850%! The pointless but fun things that can be done with statistics. The sale hasn't been advertised in the US yet– that's next week—so then I'll be on a sales rank watch on Amazon and Kobo US. It will be a much more modest effect as the promotion machine being used (ie: the number of e-mail recipients) is much smaller for the US. And of course the competition and numbers of Kindle books on Amazon US is much vaster. The trivia we occupy ourselves with when we should be writing the next (or next) book! If you want a copy for the price of a third of a cup of coffee it is available on Amazon, Kobo, iBooks, Nook in most countries at 99 cents, or in some countries and retailers a bit more or a bit less.